Estée Lauder fight against breast cancer

2013 marks the 20th anniversary of Estee Lauder’s groundbreaking Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign. The beauty company continues its fight to help defeat breast cancer through education and medical research, which has helped to fund scientists worldwide to discover breakthroughs in medical research.

It’s incredible to think that just an hour’s work by a single scientist costs at least £30, and with a recovery rate now standing at 90% for local breast cancers, every penny has the potential to transform the chances of women with cancer. An incredible 91p from every pound donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation is spent on research.

Here in the UK, pioneering work funded by the BCRF has helped doctors understand the nature of breast cancer. Thanks to this we now know that:

Breast cancer has four very different subtypes
A healthy lifestyle can have as much impact as the fanciest new drugs
Early and frequent pregnancies are the most powerful protection against breast cancer
Research is moving towards truly individualised care so each woman is studied to find the perfect treatment for them

Estée Lauder are aiding this research by selling a selected range of products and £5.00 of the sales in the UK goes to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.


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