The 30 Day Challenge: One mile a day

Workouts can be a chore and as the festive period approaches going outside for a run becomes a lot less appealing. That’s where the 30 day challenge comes in. Instead of going through the motions it’s time to switch up your fitness routine and make it more interesting. The 30 day challenge motivates you to see if you can do just 1 mile a day but for 30 days straight. Sometimes it can be a task to fit in a run and that’s why pushing yourself to do just 1 mile is ideal as it doesn’t take as long, the real difficulty is not giving up over a 30 day period.

So why is this important? As we begin to indulge over the festive period with Christmas parties and family meals it’s crucial that we keep exercising. Research suggests that it takes 21 to 30 days to break old habits and create new ones. A 30-day challenge allows you to build healthy habits and by doing it in December this could be a challenge that you decide to carry through in to the new year.

I’m going to take part in this challenge during the month of December to see if I can increase the speed of my runs. I won’t necessarily be running outside everyday I will also be doing one mile in the pool too on days when my knees need a rest.

You may ask why I am doing this? Well, I need a new challenge. I don’t have the marathon to focus on this year and I fancy a change from my normal routine.

More than this lacing up everyday will help me to learn how to make more time for fitness and also help me to readdress my running style ready for 2014. It’s also a very easy challenge to insert into my current fitness regime.

Would you take the 30 day challenge?


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