I Quit Sugar

I did it! I quit sugar…the 31st August was the last time I ate it and I have to say I haven’t missed it greatly. I have always been a huge sugar fan and my excuse for eating so much of it was that I run regularly. It turns out that running will not prevent my teeth from rotting or my body from getting diabetes, so I thought before this happens it is time to make a change, put down the Percy Pigs, and take healthy living to a whole new level.
I started the first week organised and ready to go. I watched plenty of healthy eating programmes, to motivate myself, started following I Quit Sugar on Instagram and even made Sarah Wilson’s Banana Bread as my sugar substitute (I can’t say I liked this recipe and probably won’t make it again – but there are plenty of other sugar free alternatives that I am trying).

This new way of living means that I am avoiding naturally reoccurring sugars as well as refined sugar. No more bread, fruit or tomato based sauce and lots more cave-woman styled cooking. My days now look a lot like this:

Breakfast: Porridge Oats

Lunch: Avocado and chicken

Dinner: Chicken/Quorn and vegetables

As I move into my fourth week of living sugar free I am beginning to see the benefits of this new diet. My skin, which is normally spot prone and blotchy, has cleared up and I am finding that I have a lot more energy throughout the day. I will admit that I want to give up every time people offer biscuits and cakes around the office but I’ve stuck to it. I don’t know how I am going to cope as Christmas gets closer and stores start to bring out delicious chocolaty treats for the holiday, but hopefully a weekly post here will help me to stay motivated.

Have you changed your diet recently? Are you keen to go sugar free?


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